Advantages Of Invisalign Treatment For Adults And Teens


A beautiful smile is, of course, one of the most significant benefits of straightening misaligned teeth. An attractive smile will improve your appearance, make you happier, and give you a positive outlook on your future.

Straightening your teeth is also vital for your oral health. Misaligned teeth can impair your bite, which can cause uneven wear and tear on your teeth. It’s harder to clean overcrowded, or misaligned teeth, leading to oral infections, cavities, and dental disease. Through Invisalign treatment, you can correct these issues and more to give you stronger, healthier teeth on top of improving your smile’s appearance.


Invisalign uses clear aligners to straighten your smile, so no one has to know you’re undergoing orthodontic treatment. Discretion is one reason this treatment is so popular with adults and teens. There are no conspicuous metal brackets or wires to deal with, so you can easily smile during your procedure. Additional advantages include:

Comfort and Convenience

Invisalign aligners are made of a flexible, plastic material that won’t poke or scratch your gums or teeth. They’re custom-fitted to your mouth for a comfortable, snug fit. For your convenience, the aligners can be removed for meals and brushing your teeth, which helps keep your aligners and teeth cleaner. You don’t have to restrict your diet or forgo dental cleanings when you need them.

Minimal Work for Maximum Results

Invisalign requires minimal work to get the maximum desired results, so it doesn’t interrupt your busy school or work schedule. Your job is to wear the aligners at least 22 hours daily. The aligners will gently straighten your teeth to improve your smile. Dental visits are less frequent as there are no brackets or wires to adjust periodically. Your Brentwood, California, dentist will give you various sets of aligners which you can change yourself every one to two weeks to continue straightening your teeth. Dental visits can be scheduled every 4 to 6 weeks to monitor your progress and ensure you’re on course to achieve the goals laid out in your treatment.


Invisalign is a versatile orthodontic treatment that can address numerous dental problems, including:

  • Crooked teeth
  • Twisted teeth
  • Gaps between teeth
  • Overcrowding
  • Crossbites, Overbites, and Underbites

To learn more about Invisalign orthodontics and how it can benefit you, contact Drs. Emily & Michael Molosky from Liberty Dental Group in Brentwood, California, at (925) 634-3501.

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